# j-chkmail - (c) Ecole des Mines de Paris 2002
# runtime configuration file template

# #####################################################################
# j-chkmail configuration file version - don't modify this

CF_VERSION                      1.3

# #####################################################################
# General Section
# #####################################################################

# Our domain name
DOMAIN                          crapouille.fr

# How to get hostname
# Syntax
# J_HOSTNAME    SYSTEM | SENDMAIL | host.domain.fr
#   SYSTEM         - value returned by gethostname()
#   SENDMAIL       - sendmail $j macro value
#   host.domain.fr - fixed hostname
# Default value : SYSTEM

#J_HOSTNAME                      SYSTEM

# Does j-chkmail add a header line to announce its presence ?
# PRESENCE                       SHOW | HIDE
# Default value : SHOW
PRESENCE                         SHOW

# User and group of j-chkmail process
USER                             smmsp
GROUP                            smmsp

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Resources control & deny of service
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# FILE DESCRIPTOR - How many file descriptor do you want to allocate 
# to j-chkmail
# Syntax
# FILE_DESCRIPTORS                 DEFAULT | MAX | nnn
#    where nnn is any value between 256 and the hard limit
#    You may use limit(1) to get soft and hard values for your
#    system.
# Default value : MAX

FILE_DESCRIPTORS                   MAX

# FD_FREE_SOFT - When the number of available file descriptors is
# less than FD_FREE_SOFT, incoming connections from hosts not listed
# at LOCAL or DOMAIN ip networks will be refused
# Default value : 100
FD_FREE_SOFT                       100

# FD_FREE_HARD - When the number of available file descriptors is
# less than FD_FREE_HARD, all incoming connections will be refused
# Default value : 50 
FD_FREE_HARD                        50

# USE_SELECT_LIMIT - set this on if libmilter is using select(3socket)
# calls - this is an experimental feature of libmilter 8.12.8
# Default value : YES
USE_SELECT_LIMIT                    YES

# FILTER_THROTTLE - not used at the moment
# Default value : 1000
# FILTER_THROTTLE                   1000

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Communication with sendmail
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Socket configuration
# One and only one of this options can be configured
# You shall use only one of this options
# INET_SOCK - j-chkmail will listen at port nnn of localhost (only local
#             access)
# UNIX_SOCK - j-chkmail communicates by named pipes (only local access)
# SOCKET    - general libmilter syntax. The only situation you may need
#             this option is to set up a "filter server" : if you want 
#             to have sendmail and j-chkmail running on different 
#             machines. In this case, j-chkmail may serve more than
#             one mail server
# General syntax
# SOCKET                        inet:2000@localhost
# or
# SOCKET                        local:/var/jchkmail/j-chkmail.sock

# AF_INET socket
INET_SOCK                       2000

# AF_UNIX socket
#UNIX_SOCK                      /var/jchkmail/j-chkmail.sock

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Warning behavior
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# When sending warning messages (messages replacing original ones) :
# Note that you need to set up at least one of this options. If you don't
# j-chkmail will consider WARN_SENDER is set to YES
# Valid option values : NO | YES
# Default value value : YES

WARN_RCPT       		    YES

# When sending warning messages, you may want to change "From" Header
# field to reflect the fact that the message was replaced by the filter
# From header field contents of warning messages
# Syntax
# J_SENDER                      email@mondomain.fr | SENDER
# Default value : SENDER (no change)
# J_SENDER                       postmaster@mondomaine.fr

# When sending warning messages, you may want do change "Subject" header
# field to reflect the fact that the message was replaced by filter
# Subject header field contents of warning messages
# Syntax
# J_SUBJECT                     SUBJECT | "Free text"
# Default value SUBJECT (no change)

# Warning message content is defined in the file ERROR_MSG_FILE

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Log configuration
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

LOG_FACILITY                    local5
LOG_LEVEL                       10

# Time interval which will be used to compute and dump internal counters
# to text file, used by contrib scripts to generate web reports
STATS_INTERVAL                  300

# If this variable is set to YES, j-chkmail will create a file with
# filtered attachments in order to do further analysis.
LOG_ATTACHMENTS                 NO

# DUMP_COUNTERS - Do periodical dump of counters to a file - you need
# this if you use some tool (such as the contrib rrdtool scripts) to 
# to monitor filter behavior
# Default value : YES

DUMP_COUNTERS                   YES

# LOG_COUNTERS - To do periodical log of internal counters by syslog
# Default value : YES

LOG_COUNTERS                    YES

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Cleanup of quarantine directory
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# Cleanup of old quarantined files
# Interval between cleanups (in seconds)
# Default value : 21600 s (6 hours)
CLEANUP_INTERVAL                21600
# delete quarantine files older than...
# Default value : 86400 s (one day)
QUARANTINE_MAX_AGE              86400

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Configuration files
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Default configuration files

# Warning messages templates
ERROR_MSG_FILE                  /usr/pkg/etc/jchkmail/j-error-msg

# Local intranet users
USERS_FILE                      /usr/pkg/etc/jchkmail/j-local-users

# Known IP networks (local, domain and friends)
NETS_FILE                       /usr/pkg/etc/jchkmail/j-nets

# Host access file  8-)
HOST_ACCESS_FILE                /usr/pkg/etc/jchkmail/j-host-access

# User access file  8-))
USER_ACCESS_FILE                /usr/pkg/etc/jchkmail/j-user-access

# Regular expressions checked agains message contents
REGEX_FILE                      /usr/pkg/etc/jchkmail/j-regex

# sendmail class W file
CW_FILE                         /etc/mail/local-host-names

# AUTO_RELOAD_TABLES - set this to some value greater than 0, if you
# want j-chkmail to periodically reload table data files
# The value of this parameter is given in seconds
# Default value : 0 - no auto reload.
AUTO_RELOAD_TABLES              0

# AUTO_RELOAD_CONF - set this to some value greater than 0, if you
# want j-chkmail to periodically reload ALL configuration files
# The value of this parameter is given in seconds
# Default value : 0 - no auto reload.
AUTO_RELOAD_CONF                0

# - only AUTO_RELOAD_TABLES option is activated in this version

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Work files and directories
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# Directory where j-chkmail will save temporary files and quarantined 
# messages
SPOOLDIR                        /var/spool/jchkmail

# j-chkmail working directory
WORKDIR                         /var/jchkmail

# j-chkmail pid file
PID_FILE                        /var/jchkmail/j-chkmail.pid

# j-chkmail stats file (periodical dump of internal counters in
# text format to be used by real time monitoring tools

STATS_FILE                      /var/jchkmail/j-stats

# persistent state file
STATE_FILE                      /var/jchkmail/j-state

# attached files of blocked messages containing XFILES are logged here
XFILES_LOG_FILE                 /var/jchkmail/j-files

# messages rejected after content filtering are logged here
# you shall activate DUMP_FOUND_REGEX option
REGEX_LOG_FILE                  /var/jchkmail/j-regex

# XFILES_LOG_FILE and REGEX_LOG_FILE shall be rotated regularly. Other
# files have fixed size

# HISTORY_ENTRIES - the number of entries (K entries, in fact) to 
# maintain in the connection history
# default value : 32 (32768 entries)
HISTORY_ENTRIES                 32

# #####################################################################
# Contents Filtering Section
# #####################################################################
# Filtering actions may be the following :
#   OK       - Accept messages and do nothing (transparent filtering)
#   REJECT   - Reject message with an "SMTP 5.X.X error result"
#   WARN     - Replace original message by an warning message whose
#              content is defined at ERROR_MSG_FILE and send it to
#              sender and recipients, as defined by options WARN_SENDER
#              and WARN_RCPT
#   DISCARD  - silently discard message  (Tssssssss....)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Internal Mail Scanner configuration - X-FILES
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# What to do with X-Files
# XFILES                OK | REJECT | WARN | DISCARD
XFILES                  WARN

# Quarantine filtered messages ?
XFILE_SAVE_MSG            NO

# Definition of what is X-Files by their extensions
# You may use default values, or define your own extensions. In this
# case, defined extensions will completely replace original extensions.
# You may put many extensions in the same lines and you may declare
# many lines. 
# Syntax :
# FILE_EXT  ext1 ext2 ext3 ...
# Default values :

#FILE_EXT  ade   adp   bas   bat   bin   btm   chm   cmd   com   
#FILE_EXT  cpl   crt   dll   drv   exe   hlp   hta   inf   ini   
#FILE_EXT  ins   isp   je    js    jse   lnk   mdb   mde   msc   
#FILE_EXT  msi   msp   mst   pcd   pif   reg   scr   sct   shb   
#FILE_EXT  shs   sys   url   vb    vbe   vbs   vxd   wsc   wsf   
#FILE_EXT  wsh   

# In addition to declaring X-files by their extension, you may
# declare additionnal files to filter, by regular expressions
# defining their name.
# Regular expression filename
# Syntax :
# FILE_REGEX      regular_expression
# Example :
# To reject all files ending with ".xls.pif" or ".doc.pif"
#FILE_REGEX        \.(xls|doc)\.pif$

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Verifying message contents
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# When options are active, contents are checked against regular
# expressions declared at J_REGEX_FILE configuration file
# This filtering option is experimental
# Possible configuration values are NO (do nothing) and YES (check it)
# Default value is NO (do nothing)
# If content matches regular expressions, the message is refused with
# a 5.X.X smtp error

# Check content of all headers

# Check content of subject header

# Check content of HELO command

# Check message body content

# Score needed to reject a message (sum of each score)
# Valid option value : an integer > 0

# This option tells if you want to check all messages or only messages
# coming from unknown IP networks

# This option limits the max message size to check. As spam messages
# are usually short messages, and the time to scan doesn't grows linearly
# with message size, you may decide to check only messages
# shorter than some limit. 100 Ko seems to be a good value.
CONTENT_CHECK_SIZE            100000

# activate logging of messages rejected after content checking
# at file REGEX_FILE
DUMP_FOUND_REGEX                YES

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Verifying message headers, recipients and encoding
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Intranet Users
# CHECK_LOCAL_USERS : users listed in USERS_FILE can receive mail only 
# from IP adresses inside LOCAL DOMAIN and FRIEND nets listed at 
# Valid option values : NO | YES
# Default value value : NO

# Local users are declared in the file USERS_FILE
# See configuration files 

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Limit the number of recipients in the same message 
# Limits are based on the neighbourhood notion as defined in the
# J_NETS configuration file

# CHECK_NB_RCPT         NO | YES
CHECK_NB_RCPT               NO

MAX_RCPT_FROM_DOMAIN        200      
MAX_RCPT_FROM_LOCAL        1000      
MAX_RCPT_FROM_FRIEND        200      
MAX_RCPT_FROM_OUTSIDE        25      

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Message headers presence
# Valid option values  : OK REJECT 
# Default option value : OK

NO_TO_HEADERS                   OK
NO_FROM_HEADERS                 OK
NO_SUBJECT_HEADER               OK
NO_HEADERS                      OK

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Entire body encoding (Content-transfer-encoding header contents)
# Valid option values  : OK REJECT 
# Default option value : OK

ENCODING_BASE64                 OK
ENCODING_BINARY                 OK

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# External mail scanner configuration
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# By design, external scanner isn't handled by the mail j-chkmail 
# process. So, you may define :
# - an inet communication port between main j-chkmail process and 
#   scanner server
# - the number of pre-forked scanning processes

# What to do with filtered messages
#AV_ACTION                       OK | REJECT | WARN | DISCARD
AV_ACTION                       OK

# Quarantine filtered messages ?
AV_SAVE_MSG                     YES

# Communication port between main j-chkmail process and scanner
# server. Default port is 2001
AV_PORT                         2001

# Number of fre-forked servers at start-up 
# any number between 2 and 50 - 5 shall be a good value
AV_NB_SERVERS                   5

# Time to wait (in seconds) for an answer from external filter
AV_TIMEOUT                      30

# Does every message shall be scanned or only messages with
# attachments ?
# AV_SCOPE                        ALL | ATTACHMENTS
AV_SCOPE                        ALL

# The following three options define how to call and handle external
# scanner
# AV_TYPE - the type of external scanner
#     Possible values : USER    - user defined scanner (see examples
#                                 inside contrib/user-filter)
#                       UVSCAN  - uvscan from mcafee scanner
#                       TREND   - vscan from Trendmicro 
#                                 (very experimental)
# AV_PATH - absolute path to filter
# AV_ARGS - command line arguments to pass to scanner

AV_TYPE                         USER
AV_PATH                         /usr/local/bin/my-filter

#AV_TYPE                        UVSCAN
#AV_PATH                        /usr/local/uvscan/uvscan
#AV_ARGS                        --mime --secure -rv --summary --noboot 

#AV_TYPE                        TREND
#AV_PATH                        /opt/trend/ISBASE/IScan.BASE/vscan
#AV_ARGS                        -a

# #####################################################################
# Gateway behavior section
# #####################################################################

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Filtering by the gateway connection rate and number of recipients rate
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# obsolete, left here for compatibility only. Use CHECK_THROTTLE_CONN
# Setting this option to YES is equivalent to set both options bellow
# to YES
CHECK_THROTTLE               NO

# Check gateway connection rate over 10 minutes

# check gateway recipient rate over 10 minutes

# What to do when throttle limit is reached :
# Possible values are   OK | TEMPFAIL | REJECT
# Default value is TEMPFAIL


# limits defined bellow uses the neighbourhood notion defined at
# J_NETS_FILE configuration file
# Values are for 10 minutes



# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Filtering by the gateway DNS resolution
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Valid option values  : OK REJECT 
# Default option value : OK

RESOLVE_FORGED                  OK
RESOLVE_FAIL                    OK

# In order to allow minimal communication, you may accept a number of
# connections coming from gateways having bad DNS declarations
# Otherwise, you may declare known gateways having bad DNS declarations
RESOLVE_ACCEPT_06H               2
RESOLVE_ACCEPT_12H               3
RESOLVE_ACCEPT_18H               4
RESOLVE_ACCEPT_24H               4

# #####################################################################
# "Others" Section
# #####################################################################

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Mail filter configuration - X-Mailer header contents
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

# There are some j-chkmail users hating Microsoft... 8-)

# Valid option values  : OK REJECT 
# Default option value : OK
OUTLOOK                         OK
OUTLOOK_LOCAL                   OK
OUTLOOK_FRIEND                  OK
OUTLOOK_DOMAIN                  OK