.\"	$NetBSD: hardware,v 1.10 2009/04/23 01:56:50 snj Exp $
\*V runs on most Sun3 machines, including:
.Bl -column -offset indent 3/260 3/280 3/160
.It 3/50  Ta 3/60  Ta 3/110
.It 3/75  Ta 3/150 Ta 3/160
.It 3/260 Ta 3/280 Ta 3/E
.It 3/80  Ta 3/470
Note that
includes support for
.Sq "Sun3X"
machines, which used to be supported with a separate
.Nx Ns /sun3x
The minimal configuration requires 4 MB of RAM and about 100 MB of disk
To install the entire system requires much more disk space.
To run X or compile the system, more RAM is recommended.
Good performance requires 8 MB of RAM, or 16 MB when running the
X Window System.
A good rule of thumb is to have a swap partition twice the size of the
amount of RAM in your machine.
You will probably want to compile your own kernel, as
is large and bulky to accommodate all people.
Note that the \*M installation procedure uses a
.Em miniroot
which is placed into the swap area of the disk.
The swap partition must be at least as large as the miniroot image (10 MB).
.Ss2 Supported hardware
.(bullet -offset indent
Serial ports (RS232)
.(bullet -compact
built-in ttya, ttyb
Video adapters
.(bullet -compact
Network interfaces:
.(bullet -compact
On-board Lance Ethernet
On-board or VME Intel Ethernet
Sun3/E SCSI/Ethernet board
.(bullet -compact
Most SCSI disks, tapes, CD-ROMs, etc
On-board Sun3/80 SCSI
.Pq Em esp
On-board SCSI-3
.Pq Em si
VME SCSI-3 board
.Pq Em si
Sun3/E SCSI/Ethernet board
SMD Disks
.(bullet -compact
Xylogics 450/451
Xylogics 753/7053
Input devices
.(bullet -compact
.Tn Sun
keyboard and mouse
.(bullet -compact
Battery-backed real-time clock.
On-board floppy controller (Sun3/80 floppy)
If it's not on this list, there is no support for it in this release.