.\"	$NetBSD: hardware,v 1.8 2007/12/14 21:15:59 pavel Exp $
\*V will run on the 25 MHz 68040-based
.Tn NeXT
The Turbo (33 MHz) models are not supported.
The 68030 model is not supported.
\*V does not
have any local disk support, so you must netboot and run diskless.
The minimum configuration requires 4 MB of RAM and a network server
capable of netbooting
.Nx*M .
Serial consoles are poorly supported by the hardware, see the FAQ for help.
Typically it is just easier to use the NeXT monitor and keyboard.
.Lk http://www.NetBSD.org/ports/next68k/faq.html
.Ss2 Supported hardware
.(bullet -offset indent
.(bullet -compact
68040-25 2-bit grayscale (NeXTcube)
68040-25 2-bit grayscale (NeXTstation)
68040-25 16-bit color (NeXTstation Color)
RS232 interfaces
.(bullet -compact
on-board A and B serial ports
.Pq Em zsc .
Network interfaces:
.(bullet -compact
on-board ethernet
.Pq Em xe .
.(bullet -compact
on-board NeXT monochrome display
.Pq Em nextdisplay .
on-board NeXT 12-bit color display
.Pq Em nextdisplay .
Input devices
.(bullet -compact
NeXT non-adb keyboard
.Pq Em nextkbd .
.(bullet -compact
Battery-backed real-time clock.
.Ss2 Unsupported hardware
.(bullet -offset indent
.(bullet -compact
68030-25 2-bit grayscale (NeXT Computer)
68040-33 2-bit grayscale (NeXTcube Turbo)
68040-33 2-bit grayscale (NeXTstation Turbo)
68040-33 16-bit color (NeXTstation Color Turbo)
Disk interfaces
.(bullet -compact
on-board SCSI interface and disks
Floppy drive
Optical disk
Miscellaneous devices
.(bullet -compact
NeXTdimension 32-bit color framebuffer
16-bit digital audio
NeXT Printer