.\"	$NetBSD: hardware,v 1.1 2007/04/15 17:09:51 uwe Exp $
supports Hitachi SH-4 based machines that use SH\~IPL+g firmware.
.Ss2 Supported machines
.(bullet -offset indent
.(bullet -compact
HDL-U, HDL-AV, HDL-W and HDLM-U series
SuperTank LAN Tank (SOTO-HDLWU)
UHDL-160U and UHDL-300U
.(bullet -compact
PX-EH16L, PX-EH25L and PX-EH40L
I-O\~DATA HDL-G Giga LANDISK and other newer models are ARM based and
are supported by
.Nx Ns /evbarm
.Ss2 Supported devices
.(bullet -offset indent
.(bullet -compact
SH-4 SH7751R
Console devices
.(bullet -compact
serial port
Serial console in NAS appliances from I-O\~DATA and Plextor does
.Em not
have an external connector.
You will have to buy or make yourself a special cable to access it.
On-board PCI devices and USB attached devices are supported by
machine-independent drivers.