.\"	$NetBSD: hardware,v 2024/05/16 12:27:50 martin Exp $
\*V will run on most HP 9000/300- and 400-series machines.
The smallest amount of RAM that has been tested is 4 MB.
If you wish to run X, more RAM is recommended.
.Ss2 Supported hardware
.(bullet -offset indent
.(bullet -compact
318 (16 MHz 68020, with built-in monochrome framebuffer, no expansion)
319 (16 MHz 68020, with built-in 6 bit color framebuffer, no expansion)
320 (16 MHz 68020, 16 KB L2 cache, up to 7.5 MB RAM)
.Em "Requires Human Interface board"
330 (16 MHz 68020, 4 MB on motherboard, up to 8 MB RAM)
.Em "Requires Human Interface board"
332 (16 MHz 68030, optional 68882, up to 8 MB RAM)
340 (16 MHz 68030, up to 16 MB RAM)
345 (50 MHz 68030 with 32 KB L2 cache, up to 128 MB RAM, built-in SCSI)
350 (25 MHz 68020, 32 KB L2 cache, up to 48 MB RAM)
.Em "Requires Human Interface board"
360 (25 MHz 68030, with 4 MB RAM built-in, up to 16 MB RAM)
.Em "Requires System Interface board"
362 (25 MHz 68030, up to 16 MB RAM, built-in SCSI)
370 (33 MHz 68030, 64 KB L2 cache, up to 48 MB RAM)
.Em "Requires System Interface board"
375 (50 MHz 68030 with 32 KB L2 cache, up to 128 MB RAM, built-in SCSI)
380 (25 MHz 68040, up to 128 MB RAM, built-in SCSI)
382 (25 MHz 68040, up to 32 MB RAM, built-in SCSI)
385 (33 MHz 68040, up to 128 MB RAM, built-in SCSI)
400s, 400t, 400dl (50 MHz 68030 with 32 KB L2 cache, built-in SCSI,
up to 128 MB RAM)
425s, 425t, 425dl (25 MHz 68040 with built-in SCSI, up to 128 MB RAM)
425e (25 MHz 68040, built-in SCSI)
.Em "The BootROM does not support serial console."
.Em "The"
.Em "bootloader and kernel will use the serial port for console if"
.Em "switch on the back panel is turned to"
.Em "position."
433s, 433t, 433dl (33 MHz 68040 with built-in SCSI, up to 128 MB RAM)
HP-IB devices
.(bullet -compact
.Em rd ;
CS80 disks: 2200, 2202, 2203, 7908, 7911, 7912, 7914, 7933, 7936, 7937, 7941,
7945, 7946, 7957, 7958, and 7959
.Em "Emulated CS80 disks by"
.Lk http://www.dalton.ax/hpdisk/ HPDisk
.Em and
.Lk https://www.hp9845.net/9845/projects/hpdrive/ HPDrive
.Em "also work."
.Em rd ;
CS80 floppy disks: 9122, 9134 (possibly others)
.Em "Requires use of HP-UX LIF utilities via HP-UX emulation"
.Em ct ;
CS80 Low-density 16 track cartridge (67 MB): 7912, 7914, 7946, and 9144
.Em "Cannot read or write to 32 track tapes"
.Em ct ;
CS80 High-density 32 track cartridge (134 MB): 9145
.Em "Cannot write to 16 track tapes (read only)"
.Em mt ;
CS80 Half-inch tape: 7974A, 7978A/B, 7979A, 7980A, and 7980XC.
You should connect HP-IB tape drives and printers to the slow HP-IB
interface and hard drives to the fast HP-IB interface (if present).
SCSI devices
.(bullet -compact
.Em sd ;
SCSI hard drives
.Em cd ;
SCSI CD-ROM drives
.Em sd ;
SCSI Magneto-optical drives
.Em st ;
SCSI tape drives: HP 35450A (DDS-1 DAT), Exabyte EXB-8200 (8mm), Archive
(QIC-24), Archive Viper (QIC-60), Archive Viper (QIC-150), Archive Python
25501 (DAT), and Archive Python 28849 (DAT)
.Em ch ;
SCSI autochangers
Serial interfaces
.(bullet -compact
.Em com ;
Built-in single serial port on System Interface board and Human Interface board
.Em com ;
Built-in Apollo 4-port on Series 400 workstations
.Em dcm ;
98638 8-port (DIO-II board, appears to kernel as two 98642 devices)
.Em dcm ;
98642 4-port (DIO-I board)
.Em com ;
98626, 98644 built-in or add-on (DIO-I board) single serial port
See the FAQ for more detailed specs and information on configuring:
.Lk http://www.NetBSD.org/ports/hp300/faq.html#serialinfo
Network interfaces
.(bullet -compact
.Em le ;
98643 built-in and add-on (DIO-I board) ethernet cards.
Graphics Devices
.(bullet -compact
98542 monochrome Topcat (512x400, 1 bit, DIO-II)
98543 color Topcat (512x400, 4 bits, DIO-II)
98544 monochrome Topcat (1024x768, 1 bit, DIO-II)
98545A color Topcat (1024x768, 4 bits, DIO-II)
98547 color Topcat (1024x768, 6 bits)
98548A monochrome Catseye (1024x768, 1 bit)
98549A color Catseye (1024x768, 6 bits)
98550A Catseye Hi-Res Color (a.k.a. CH) (1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, 8 bits, DIO-II)
98700 and 98710 Gatorbox (1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, 4 or 8 bits)
.Em "Requires 98287 (DIO-I board) to connect to workstation"
98720 and 98721 color Renaissance SRX (1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, 8, 12 or 24 bits)
.Em "Requires 98724 (DIO-I board) or 98725 (DIO-II board) to connect to workstation"
98730 and 98731 DaVinci TurboSRX (1280x1024 @ 60 Hz, 8, 16, or 24 bits)
.Em "Requires 98726A (DIO-II board) to connect to workstation"
A1096A monochrome Hyperion (1280x1024, 1 bit)
A1416A Kathmandu (a.k.a. Color VRX) (1280x1024 @ 60 hz, 8 bits, DIO-II)
A1659A CRX (1280x1024 @ 72 hz, 8 bits, SGC)
98705 Tigershark PersonalVRX DIO-II graphics device
.Em "Untested"
internal video on models 362/382 (A1474-69511 and A147x-69510)
.Em "No X server support"
425e built-in EVRX framebuffer
HP-HIL devices
.(bullet -compact
Two and three button mice
Three button trackballs (M1309A)
46094 Quadrature Port (supports normal serial mice)
Graphics tablets
Dial boxes
ID modules
Miscellaneous boards/interfaces
.(bullet -compact
98265A/98652 SCSI interface (DIO-I board, daughtercard for 98562, or built-in)
98561 Human Interface board (DIO-I board with serial port, HP-HIL, and HP-IB)
98562 System Interface board (DIO-II board with serial port,
HP-HIL, HP-IB, DMA, and ethernet, has optional fast HP-IB or SCSI
98620 DMA card (DIO-I board, for use with 98561)
98624 HP-IB interface (DIO-I board or built-in)
98625A and 98625B 'fast' HP-IB interface (DIO-I board or
daughtercard for 98562)
Apollo Domain keyboard and mouse on Series 400 workstations
audio device on 425e
Each serial interface has its own quirks, and some of them use
non-standard pins.
The FAQ describes how to configure and connect serial
consoles to \*M systems.
.Lk http://www.NetBSD.org/ports/hp300/faq.html#serialconsole
When you try booting from a system with a framebuffer that is not
supported by
.Nx*M ,
the screen will turn black, and it will try using the serial port for the
.Ss2 Unsupported hardware
.(bullet -offset indent
.(bullet -compact
310 (10 MHz 68010, with built-in monochrome framebuffer, rs232
(25 pin), hil, and slow hpib)
Graphics Devices
.(bullet -compact
98702 TurboVRX DIO-II graphics device
Miscellaneous boards/interfaces
.(bullet -compact
parallel port, on 345, 362, 375, 380, 382, 382, and Series 400 workstations
EISA support, on Series 400 workstations
Token Ring cards (a.k.a. ATR)
VME bus adapter, on Series 300 workstations
98628A single port dcl (DIO-I board)
98625C fast HP-IB option on models 345 and 375