.\"	$NetBSD: contents,v 2024/03/24 20:24:26 bouyer Exp $
.\" Copyright (c) 1999-2020 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
.\" All rights reserved.
.\" Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
.\" modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
.\" are met:
.\" 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
.\"    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
.\" 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
.\"    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
.\"    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
.Ss2 NetBSD/\*M subdirectory structure
The \*M-specific portion of the
\*V release is found in the
.Pa \*M
subdirectory of the distribution:
.Pa \&.../NetBSD-\*V/\*M/ .
It contains the following files and directories:
.(tag INSTALL.html -compact \" top level
.	It Pa INSTALL.html
.	It Pa INSTALL.ps
.	It Pa INSTALL.txt
.	It Pa INSTALL.more
Installation notes in various file formats, including this file.
.Pa \&.more
file contains underlined text using the
.Xr more 1
conventions for indicating italic and bold display.
.	It Pa binary/
.	(tag kernel/ -compact \" binary/
.		It Pa kernel/
.		(tag netbsd.gz -compact \" binary/kernel
.if !\n[atari]:\n[mac68k]:\n[sgimips]:\n[evbppc]:\n[sandpoint] \{\
.			It Pa netbsd-GENERIC.gz
A gzipped
kernel containing code for everything supported in this release.
.if \n[amd64] \{\
.			It Pa netbsd-INSTALL.gz
The installation kernel.
.			It Pa netbsd-GENERIC_KASLR.gz
.			It Pa netbsd-INSTALL_XEN3_DOMU.gz
.			It Pa netbsd-XEN3_DOM0.gz
.			It Pa netbsd-XEN3_DOMU.gz
.\} \" amd64
.if \n[hpcmips] \{\
This kernel runs on Vr41xx and TX3922 CPUs only.
.\} \" hpcmips
.\} \" !atari/mac68k/sgimips/evbppc/sandpoint
.if \n[macppc]:\n[sparc]:\n[sparc64]:\n[vax] \{\
.			It Pa netbsd-GENERIC.MP.gz
A gzipped
kernel containing code for everything supported in this release.  This 
kernel supports SMP on systems with more than one CPU.
.if \n[hp300] \{\
.			It Pa netbsd-RAMDISK.gz
A gzipped
kernel containing code for all of the hardware supported in this release
with an embedded ramdisk-based installer.  This is the same kernel
that is present on the miniroot filesystem, but uses a newer more 
user-friendly installation program.
.			It Pa netbsd-RAMDISK.symbols.gz
Symbols for
.Pa netbsd-RAMDISK.gz .
.if \n[i386] \{\
.			It Pa netbsd-MONOLITHIC.gz
The monolithic kernel which doesn't use kernel modules.
.			It Pa netbsd-INSTALL.gz
The installation kernel.
.			It Pa netbsd-INSTALL_XEN3PAE_DOMU.gz
.			It Pa netbsd-XEN3PAE_DOM0.gz
.			It Pa netbsd-XEN3PAE_DOMU.gz
.if \n[mac68k] \{\
.			It Pa netbsd-GENERIC.gz
A kernel containing code for everything supported in this release using
the standard SCSI driver.
.			It Pa netbsd-GENERICSBC.gz
A kernel containing code for everything supported in this release using
the SBC variant of the SCSI driver.
.if \n[macppc] \{\
.			It Pa netbsd-GENERIC_MD.gz
A gzipped
kernel containing code for everything supported in this release.
It also has a RAM-disk installer.
This is the kernel you should use when you want to install via
netboot, from a CD-R, or an HFS partition on Open Firmware 3 systems.
.			It Pa netbsd-INSTALL.gz
A gzipped
kernel containing code only for Open Firmware 1.0.5, 1.1.22, 2.0.x,
and 2.4 systems (i.e. those that have floppy drives).
It has a RAM-disk installer.
.if \n[acorn32] \{\
.			It Pa netbsd-NC.gz
A kernel intended for Acorn Network Computers.
.if \n[atari] \{\
.			It Pa netbsd-SMALL030.gz
A kernel for memory-tight 68030 Falcon and TT030 machines.
This is the kernel supplied on the boot.fs floppy.
.			It Pa netbsd-ATARITT.gz
A kernel for the Atari TT030.
.			It Pa netbsd-FALCON.gz
A kernel for the Atari Falcon, including support for 68060
processor cards.
.			It Pa netbsd-HADES.gz
A kernel for 68040 or 68060 Hades.
.			It Pa netbsd-MILAN-ISAIDE.gz
A kernel for 68040 or 68060 MILAN using IDE in ISA mode - for
use with disks not marked byteswapped by HDDRIVER.
.			It Pa netbsd-MILAN-PCIIDE.gz
A kernel for 68040 or 68060 MILAN using IDE in PCI mode - for
use with disks marked byteswapped by HDDRIVER.
.if \n[hpcmips] \{\
.			It Pa netbsd-TX3912.gz
A kernel for TX3912 machines.
.if \n[mvme68k] \{\
.			It Pa netbsd-VME147.gz
A kernel for MVME147 boards.
.			It Pa netbsd-VME162.gz
A kernel for MVME162 boards.
.			It Pa netbsd-VME167.gz
A kernel for MVME167 boards.
.			It Pa netbsd-VME172.gz
A kernel for MVME172 boards.
.			It Pa netbsd-VME177.gz
A kernel for MVME177 boards.
.if \n[sandpoint] \{\
.			It Pa netbsd-GENERIC.gz
A generic kernel suitable for most Sandpoint-based NAS products.
.			It Pa netbsd-INSTALL.gz
An install kernel for most Sandpoint-based NAS products.
.			It Pa netbsd-INSTALL_KURO.gz
An install kernel for KuroBox / LinkStation NAS boards.
.			It Pa netbsd-KUROBOX.gz
A kernel for KuroBox / LinkStation NAS boards.
.if \n[sparc] \{\
.			It Pa netbsd-GENERIC_SCSI3.gz
A kernel with SCSI ID 3 explicitly mapped to 
.Li sd0 .
.			It Pa netbsd-KRUPS.gz
A kernel for JavaStation-NC (Krups) machines.
.			It Pa netbsd-MRCOFFEE.gz
A kernel for JavaStation-1 (Mr. Coffee) machines using Open Boot Prom firmware.
.			It Pa netbsd-MRCOFFEE_OFW.gz
A kernel for JavaStation-1 (Mr. Coffee) machines using OpenFirmware.
.			It Pa netbsd-GENERIC_SUN4U.gz
A kernel which supports sparc64 hardware in 32-bit mode only.  See the 
sparc64 INSTALL notes for help installing this kernel on your sparc64 
.if \n[sparc64] \{\
.			It Pa netbsd-INSTALL.gz
The install kernel.
.if \n[sgimips] \{\
.			It Pa netbsd-GENERIC32_IP12.gz
A kernel suitable for booting on R3000 Indigo, IRIS 4D/3x and similar machines.
.			It Pa netbsd-GENERIC32_IP12.ecoff.gz
GENERIC32_IP2x targeted for being bootable on the above machines
with PROMs that do not understand the ELF binary format.
.			It Pa netbsd-GENERIC32_IP2x.gz
A kernel suitable for booting on Indy, Indigo 2 and similar machines.
.			It Pa netbsd-GENERIC32_IP2x.ecoff.gz
GENERIC32_IP2x targeted for being bootable on older Indigo 2 and possibly
Indy machines with PROMs that do not understand the ELF binary format.
.			It Pa netbsd-GENERIC32_IP3x.gz
A kernel suitable for booting on O2.
.if \n[evbppc] \{\
.			It Pa netbsd-DHT.gz
A gzipped kernel (in ELF format) for the DHT Walnut 405GP evaluation board.
.			It Pa netbsd.bin-DHT.gz
Same as the above, but in the raw binary format expected by the firmware.
.			It Pa netbsd-EV64260.gz
A gzipped kernel (in ELF format) for the Marvell EV-64260.
.			It Pa netbsd.img-EV64260.gz
Same as the above, but in the format expected by the firmware.
.			It Pa netbsd-EXPLORA451.gz
A gzipped kernel (in ELF format) for the NCD Explora451 NC.
.			It Pa netbsd.img-EXPLORA451.gz
Same as the above, but in the format expected by the firmware.
.			It Pa netbsd-INSTALL_OPENBLOCKS266.gz
A gzipped install kernel (in ELF format) for the Plat'Home OpenBlockS266
.			It Pa netbsd-INSTALL_OPENBLOCKS266.img.gz
Same as the above, but in the format expected by the firmware.
.			It Pa netbsd-INSTALL_OPENBLOCKS266.symbols.gz
Symbols for
.Pa netbsd-INSTALL_OPENBLOCKS266.gz .
.			It Pa netbsd-INSTALL_WALNUT.gz
A gzipped install kernel (in ELF format) for the IBM PowerPC 405GP Walnut
evaluation board.
.			It Pa netbsd-INSTALL_WALNUT.img.gz
Same as the above, but in the format expected by the firmware.
.			It Pa netbsd-INSTALL_WALNUT.symbols.gz
Symbols for
.Pa netbsd-INSTALL_WALNUT.gz .
.			It Pa netbsd-OPENBLOCKS200.gz
A gzipped kernel (in ELF format) for the Plat'Home OpenBlockS200.
.			It Pa netbsd.img-OPENBLOCKS200.gz
Same as the above, but in the format expected by the firmware.
.			It Pa netbsd-OPENBLOCKS266.gz
A gzipped kernel (in ELF format) for the Plat'Home OpenBlockS266 microserver.
.			It Pa netbsd.img-OPENBLOCKS266.gz
Same as the above, but in the format expected by the firmware.
.			It Pa netbsd-PMPPC.gz
A gzipped kernel (in ELF format) for Artesyn PM/PPC boards.
.			It Pa netbsd-WALNUT.gz
A gzipped kernel (in ELF format) for the IBM PowerPC 405GP Walnut
evaluation board.
.			It Pa netbsd.img-WALNUT.gz
Same as the above, but in the format expected by the firmware.
.		tag) \" binary/kernel/
.		It Pa sets/
\*M binary distribution sets;
see below.
.	tag) \" binary/
.	It Pa installation/
.	(tag miniroot/ -compact \" installation/
.if \n[i386]:\n[amd64] \{\
.		It Pa cdrom/
\*M bootable cdrom images; see below.
.if \n[sparc] \{\
.		It Pa bootfs/
Netbootable RAM disk kernel and the file system in the RAM disk; see below.
.if \n[alpha]:\n[amiga]:\n[atari]:\n[bebox]:\n[ews4800mips]:\
\n[i386]:\n[news68k]:\n[newsmips]:\n[sparc]:\n[x68k]:\n[prep] \{\
.		It Pa floppy/
\*M boot and installation floppies; see below.
.if \n[alpha] \{\
.		It Pa diskimage/
an image file
.Pa cdhdtape
is included for the case where the installer is written to
a CD, hard drive, or tape.
This image file is the same for the CD, HD, and tape cases.
.		It Pa instkernel/
contains a
.Pa netbsd.gz
installation kernel; this is the same installer kernel as in all the
other install
images, but without the various boot program and file system wrappers.
It can be netbooted or diskbooted from a previous installation.
no need to
.Ic gunzip
this image.
.if \n[bebox] \{\
.		It Pa floppy/boot.fs
.		It Pa floppy/kernel1.fs
.		It Pa floppy/kernel2.fs
\*M boot and installation floppy images.  The first is the bootloader on
old BeFS.  The other images contain the kernel and an embedded ramdisk.
.if \n[cats] \{\
.		It Pa kernel/
\*M installation kernels.
.if \n[mac68k] \{\
.		It Pa instkernel/
\*M boot and installation kernels; see installation section (Sysinst
Method), below.
.if \n[amiga]:\n[atari]:\n[hp300]:\n[mvme68k]:\n[sparc]:\n[sparc64]:\
\n[sun2]:\n[sun3] \{\
.		It Pa miniroot/
\*M miniroot file system image; see below.
.if !\n[alpha]:\n[bebox]:\n[cats]:\n[evbppc]:\n[mvme68k]:\n[macppc]:\
\n[sgimips]:\n[sandpoint]:\n[sparc] \{\
.		It Pa misc/
Miscellaneous \*M installation utilities; see
.if \n[mac68k] \{\
the Traditional method
installation section below.
.if \n[hp300] \{\
.	(tag HP-IB.geometry
.	It Pa HP-IB.geometry
A file containing geometry for some HB-IB disk drives.
.	It Pa SYS_INST.gz
A gzipped copy of the SYS_INST miniroot installation program.  This is 
only necessary if you can't use the RAMDISK based installer.
.	It Pa SYS_UBOOT.gz
A gzipped copy of the universal boot block.
Supports Network, tape and disk booting.
This is useful if you are installing a diskless
.	tag)
.if \n[macppc] \{\
.		It Pa floppy/boot1.fs
.		It Pa floppy/boot2.fs
\*M boot and installation floppy images.  The first is the bootloader and
kernel.  The second image has the installation tools.
Only usable on models that ship with a floppy drive (pre-Open Firmware 3);
see below.
.		It Pa ofwboot.xcf
\*M bootloader; see below.
.if \n[mvme68k] \{\
.		It Pa netboot/
Two programs needed to boot \*M kernels over the network; see below.
.		It Pa tapeimage/
Tape boot programs, and a RAMDISK kernel; see below.
.if \n[sandpoint] \{\
.		It Pa altboot
\*M bootloader in ELF format; see below
.		It Pa altboot.bin
\*M bootloader in binary format; see below
.		It Pa altboot.img
\*M bootloader as an U-Boot/PPCBoot image, suitable for bootm; see below
.if \n[sgimips] \{\
.		It Pa netboot/
NFS-root images
.if \n[sparc] \{\
.		It Pa netboot/
Netboot bootloader and root filesystem with install tools; see below.
.		It Pa tape/
\*M boot and installation tapes; see below.
.if \n[sparc64] \{\
.		It Pa netboot/
Netboot bootloader; see below.
.if \n[sun2] \{\
.		It Pa netboot/
Two programs needed to boot \*M kernels over the network.
.		It Pa tapeimage/
Tape boot program, and two shell scripts used to prepare tapes.
.if \n[sun3] \{\
.		It Pa netboot/
Two programs needed to boot \*M kernels over the network.
.		It Pa tapeimage/
Tape boot programs, and a RAMDISK kernel.
.	tag) \" installation/
.tag) \" top level
.if \n[alpha] \{\
.Ss2 Bootable installation/upgrade floppies
There are three bootable images in the
\*M distribution.
One is for a floppy boot and is split into three separate files.
The other is a single-file image containing the same install kernel,
but intended to be written to a CD, tape, or hard drive.
The third image is a
kernel intended for production use in unusual cases.
This can be useful at some sites when:
You want to run diskless but SRM bugs prevent the firmware from
You can work around this problem by always booting the generic
kernel from the floppy.
SRM doesn't recognize your (hard) disk controller but
This happens more frequently than you might think.
SRM will usually only boot from
.Xr siop 4
.Xr isp 4
SCSI devices, and on most platforms will not
boot from an IDE drive.
will happily operate
with almost any SCSI root or an IDE root; the solution here is to netboot
a kernel or always boot from floppy.
.if \n[amiga] \{\
.Ss2 Miniroot file system
The Amiga now uses a single miniroot file system for both an initial
installation and for an upgrade.
A gzipped version is available, for easier downloading.
(The gzipped version has the
.Sy \&.gz
extension added to
their names.)
.(tag miniroot.fs
.It Pa miniroot.fs
This file contains a
root file system setup to help you
install the rest of
or to upgrade a previous version of
.Nx .
This includes formatting and mounting your
.Pa /
(root) and
.Pa /usr
partitions and getting ready to extract (and possibly first
fetching) the distribution sets.
There is enough on this file system to allow you to make a SLIP or
PPP connection, configure an Ethernet, mount an NFS file system or ftp.
You can also load distribution sets from a SCSI tape or from one of
your existing
.Tn AmigaDOS
.Ss2 Binary distribution sets
binary distribution sets contain the binaries which
comprise the
\*V release for \*M.
The binary distribution sets can be found in the
.Pa \*M/binary/sets
of the
.ie \n[sparc64] \{\
distribution tree.  
If you want to install 32-bit only binaries, you will 
still need to boot using the sparc64 installation tools.  When sysinst
asks you for the distribution set to install, provide the
.Nx Ns /sparc
.Pa binary/sets .
Be sure to use the 32 bit sparc
.Pa kern-GENERIC_SUN4U.tgz
kernel distribution.  Otherwise, continue to follow the \*M installation
procedure, not the sparc instructions.
Most people will want the 64-bit \*M distribution tree:
.el distribution tree, and are as follows:
.(tag xserver \" sets
.It Sy base
.Sy base
binary distribution.
.Em must
install this distribution set.
It contains the base
utilities that are necessary for the
system to run and be minimally functional.
.It Sy comp
Things needed for compiling programs.
This set includes the system include files
.Pq Pa /usr/include
and the various system libraries (except the shared
libraries, which are included as part of the
.Sy base
This set also includes the manual pages for
all of the utilities it contains, as well as the
system call and library manual pages.
.It Sy debug
This distribution set contains debug information for
all base system utilities.
It is useful when reporting issues with binaries or during
This set is huge, if the target disk is small, do not install it.
.It Sy etc
This distribution set contains the system
configuration files that reside in
.Pa /etc
and in several other places.
This set
.Em must
be installed if you are installing the system from scratch, but should
.Em not
be used if you are upgrading.
.It Sy games
This set includes the games and their manual pages.
.\" Kernel set(s)
.ie \n[atari] \{\
.It Sy kern-SMALL030, kern-ATARITT, kern-FALCON, kern-HADES , kern-MILAN-ISAIDE , kern-MILAN-PCIIDE
These sets contain a
kernel, named
.Pa /netbsd .
.Em must
install the kernel that matches your hardware.
.el \{\
.ie \n[mac68k] \{\
.It Sy kern-GENERIC
This set contains a
kernel, named
.Pa /netbsd .
.Em must
install either this distribution set or kern-GENERICSBC.
This set contains a
kernel, named
.Pa /netbsd .
.Em must
install either this distribution set or kern-GENERIC.
.el \{\
.ie \n[macppc] \{\
.It Sy kern-GENERIC
This set contains a
kernel named
.Pa /netbsd .
.Em must
install this distribution set.
.It Sy kern-GENERIC.MP
This set contains a
kernel, which will use multiple processors (if present), named
.Pa /netbsd .
.el \{\
.ie \n[sandpoint] \{\
.It Sy kern-GENERIC
This set contains a
kernel for most Sandpoint-based NAS products, named
.Pa /netbsd .
.It Sy kern-KUROBOX
This set contains a
kernel for KuroBox / LinkStation boards, named
.Pa /netbsd .
.Em must
install one of these distribution sets for your machine.
.el \{\
.ie \n[sgimips] \{\
.It Sy kern-GENERIC32_IP2x
This set contains a
kernel (for R3000 Indigo, IRIS 4D/3x machines), named
.Pa /netbsd .
This set also contains an ECOFF kernel named
.Pa /netbsd.ecoff
that your system may need to boot.
.It Sy kern-GENERIC32_IP2x
This set contains a
kernel (for Indy, Indigo 2 and Challenge S/M machines), named
.Pa /netbsd .
This set also contains an ECOFF kernel named
.Pa /netbsd.ecoff
that your system may need to boot.
.It Sy kern-GENERIC32_IP3x
This set contains a
kernel (for O2), named
.Pa /netbsd .
.Em must
install one of these distribution sets for your machine.
.el \{\
.ie \n[sparc] \{\
.It Sy kern-GENERIC
This set contains a
kernel named
.Pa /netbsd .
.Em must
install this distribution set.
.It Sy kern-GENERIC.MP
This set contains a
kernel, which will use multiple processors (if present), named
.Pa /netbsd .
This set contains a
kernel, which will set SCSI ID 3 to 
.Li sd0 ,
.Pa /netbsd .
This set contains a
kernel, which supports only UltraSPARC systems in 32 bit mode, named
.Pa /netbsd .
.It Sy kern-KRUPS
This set contains a
kernel, which supports the JavaStation-NC, named
.Pa /netbsd .
.It Sy kern-MRCOFFEE
This set contains a
kernel, which which supports the OpenBOOT PROM 2 JavaStation-1, named
.Pa /netbsd .
This set contains a
kernel, which which supports the OpenFirmware JavaStation-1, named
.Pa /netbsd .
.el \{\
.ie \n[sparc64] \{\
.It Sy kern-GENERIC
This set contains a
kernel named
.Pa /netbsd .
.Em must
install this or the kern-GENERIC.MP distribution set.
.It Sy kern-GENERIC.MP
This set contains a
kernel, which will use multiple processors (if present), named
.Pa /netbsd .
.el \{\
.ie \n[evbppc] \{\
.It Sy kern-DHT
This set contains a
kernel in ELF format named
.Pa /netbsd
and the same kernel in the raw binary format needed by the bootloader as
.Pa /netbsd.bin .
These kernels are specific to the DHT Walnut 405GP evaluation board.
.It Sy kern-EV64260
This set contains a
kernel in ELF format named
.Pa /netbsd
and the same kernel in the format needed by the bootloader as
.Pa /netbsd.img .
These kernels are specific to the Marvell EV-64260.
.It Sy kern-EXPLORA451
This set contains a
kernel in ELF format named
.Pa /netbsd
and the same kernel in the format needed by the bootloader as
.Pa /netbsd.img .
These kernels are specific to the NCD Explora451 NC.
.It Sy kern-OPENBLOCKS266
This set contains a
kernel in ELF format named
.Pa /netbsd
and the same kernel in the format needed by the bootloader as
.Pa /netbsd.img .
These kernels are specific to the Plat'Home OpenBlockS266 microserver.
.It Sy kern-PMPPC
This set contains a
kernel in ELF format named
.Pa /netbsd
and the same kernel in the format needed by the bootloader as
.Pa /netbsd.img .
These kernels are specific to Artesyn PM/PPC boards.
.It Sy kern-WALNUT
This set contains a
kernel in ELF format named
.Pa /netbsd
and the same kernel in the format needed by the bootloader as
.Pa /netbsd.img .
These kernels are specific to the IBM 405GP based Walnut evaluation board.
.el \{\
.It Sy kern-GENERIC
This set contains a
kernel, named
.Pa /netbsd .
.Em must
install this distribution set.
.if \n[cats]:\n[shark] \{\
This set also contains an a.out kernel named
.Pa /netbsd.aout
that your system may need to boot.
.\} \" !\n[evbppc]
.\} \" !\n[sparc64]
.\} \" !\n[sparc]
.\} \" !\n[sgimips]
.\} \" !\n[macppc]
.\} \" !\n[mac68k]
.\} \" !\n[evbarm]
.\} \" !\n[atari]
.It Sy man
This set includes all of the manual pages for the
binaries and other software contained in the
.Sy base
Note that it does not include any of the manual pages
that are included in the other sets.
.It Sy misc
This set includes the system dictionaries,
the typesettable document set, and other files from
.Pa /usr/share .
.It Sy rescue
This set includes the statically linked emergency recovery binaries installed
.Pa /rescue .
.It Sy text
This set includes
.Nx Ns 's
text processing tools, including
.Xr groff 1 ,
all related programs, and their manual pages.
.tag) \" sets
.\" ---------------------------- X SETS
maintains its own set of sources for the X Window System in order to
assure tight integration and compatibility.
.ie \n[sun2] \{\
currently does not ship with an X server or X clients.
.el \{\
These sources are based on
.ie \n[i386]:\n[amd64]:\n[macppc]:\n[sgimips]:\n[sparc64]:\n[shark] \{\
.el \{\
XFree86 4.5.0.
Binary sets for the X Window System are distributed with
.Nx .
The sets are:
.(tag xserver \" x sets
.It Sy xbase
The basic files needed for a complete X
client environment.
This does not include the X servers.
.It Sy xcomp
The extra libraries and include files needed to compile X source code.
.It Sy xdebug
This distribution set contains debug information for
all X11 binaries.
It is useful when reporting issues with these binaries or during
This set is huge, if the target disk is small, do not install it.
.It Sy xfont
Fonts needed by the X server and by X clients.
.It Sy xetc
Configuration files for X which could be locally modified.
.It Sy xserver
The X server. 
.if \n[acorn32] \{\
This includes Xarm32VIDC and Xprt servers.
.if \n[atari] \{\
Please consult the X specific section in the atari FAQ as to which server
you should use.
.if \n[bebox] \{\
This includes the modular Xorg server.
.if \n[hpcmips] \{\
This includes the Xhpc server which supports 256 and 65536 colors, with man pages.
.if \n[i386] \{\
This includes the modular Xorg server.
.if \n[mac68k] \{\
This includes the Xmac68k
.Em monochrome
server with man pages.
.if \n[macppc] \{\
This includes the modular Xorg server.
.if \n[pmax] \{\
This includes the Xpmax server with man page.
.if \n[shark] \{\
This includes the modular Xorg and Xvfb servers.
.if \n[sparc] \{\
This includes Xsun, Xsun24, XsunMono and Xvfb servers with man pages.
.if \n[sparc64] \{\
This includes the modular Xorg and Xvfb servers.
.if \n[x68k] \{\
This includes the X68k and Xprt
servers with man pages and the runtime configuration file.
.tag) \" x sets
.\} \" !\n[sun2]
.\" ---------------------------- MI DISCUSSION OF BINARY SETS
The \*M binary distribution sets are distributed as tar files
compressed with
.Sy \*[compressor]
named with the extension
.Sy .\*[setsuffix] ,
.Pa base.\*[setsuffix] .
The instructions given for extracting the source sets work equally
well for the binary sets, but it is worth noting that if you use that
method, the filenames stored in the sets are relative and therefore
the files are extracted
.Em below the current directory .
Therefore, if you want to extract the binaries into your system, i.e.
replace the system binaries with them, you have to run the
.Ic "tar -xzpf"
command from the root directory (
.Pa / 
) of your system.
.\" ---------------------------- MD DISCUSSION
.if \n[atari] \{\
Additional kernels to those included in the distribution sets may be found
in the
.Pa atari/binary/kernel
subdirectory of the
\*V distribution tree.
These kernels are generally named something like
.Pa netbsd-BOOT.gz
or some other suitable name.
Please note that these kernels are simply gzipped and are not in tar archives.
There are six atari floppy images to be found in the
.Pa atari/installation/floppies
subdirectory of the
\*V distribution.
Three of them are bootable
kernel floppies and the other
three are installation floppies.
They are described in more detail below.
There are gzipped versions of each available, for easier downloading.
(The gzipped versions have the
.Pa \&.gz
extension added to their names.)
.(tag indent \" atari
.It Em Bootable\ Kernel\ floppies
disks contains the
support programs (like
.Ic loadbsd.ttp
.Ic chg_pid.ttp
\(em see below) and a kernel.
They are setup such that you can insert them into
your floppy drive, and start the programs from GEM.
For the TT030 and Falcon, the (720 KB) floppy is named
.Pa boot.fs
the kernel supplied is
.Li BOOT .
For the Hades, you need the
.Pa hades-boot.fs
floppy (1.44 MB), the kernel is
For the Milan, you need the
.Pa milan-boot.fs
floppy (1.44 MB), the kernel is MILAN-PCIIDE.
.It Em Installation\ floppy:
This disk contains a
root file system setup to help
you install the rest of
.Nx .
This includes formatting
and mounting your
.Pa /
(root) and
.Pa /usr
partitions and getting
ready to extract (and possibly first fetching) the distribution
There is enough on this file system to allow you to
make a slip connection, configure an ethernet, mount an NFS
file system or ftp.
You can also load distribution sets from a SCSI tape or from one of
your existing
The floppies meant for 720 KB disks are named
.Pa miniroot.fs.1
.Pa miniroot.fs.2 .
There is also an image for an 1.44 MB disk:
.Pa miniroot.fs .
.tag) \" atari
There are also
utilities in the
.Pa atari/installation/misc
subdirectory, which you will need to get
.Ic gzip.ttp
program allows you to uncompress .gz images.
The usage is:
.Dl Ic "gzip.ttp -d filename.gz"
.Ic rawwrite.ttp
program allows you to create the installation
floppy disks from the files in the
.Pa atari/floppies
.Ic aptck.ttp
program reads the partition tables present on a
given disk and tries to interpret then the same way the
kernel does.
If you have a disk on which
are to co-exist, It is a good idea to run this before you begin the
installation just to check that the kernel's view
of the partition tables agree with
.Tn GEMDOS Ns 's
If you have more than 3 partitions defined on a disk you will notice that the
partition starts one sector after the
This is to allow space for the auxiliary root for
the 4th and subsequent partitions.
.Ic loadbsd.ttp
program loads the
kernel from
.Tn MiNT ,
.Tn MultiTOS ,
.Ic chg_pid.ttp
program can be used to change the id of an
compatible partition.
This allows you to reserve a partition for use by
(id: NBD), or for use as a swap (id: SWP) partition.
.Ic file2swp.ttp
program can be used to transfer an installation file system image, like
.Pa sysinst.fs
to a partition with id SWP.
In this way, you can run the installation from the swap partition
instead of a memory disk.
This is a necessity for small memory systems.
.if \n[hpcmips] \{\
Additional kernels to those included in the distribution sets may be found
in the
.Pa hpcmips/binary/kernels
subdirectory of the
\*V distribution tree.
These kernels are generally named something like
.Pa netbsd-GENERIC.gz
or some other suitable name.
Please note that these kernels are simply gzipped and are not in tar archives.
.Tn "Windows CE" Ns No -based utilities
necessary for installing and running
be found in the
.Pa hpcmips/installation/
subdirectory of the
\*V distribution tree.
The important files in this directory are as follows:
.(tag pbsdboot1.exe
.It Pa netbsd.gz
kernel with system installer
.Pq Ic sysinst .
This kernel runs on Vr41xx and TX3922 CPUs only.
.It Pa netbsd-TX3912.gz
kernel with system installer
.Pq Ic sysinst .
This kernel runs on TX3912 CPU only.
.It Pa hpcboot.exe
boot loader utility.
This program is used to boot the
kernel from within
.Tn "Windows CE"
(version 2.11 and later).
.Em 111 KB
.It Pa pbsdboot.exe
boot loader utility.
This program is used to boot the
kernel from within
.Tn "Windows CE"
(version 2.0 and later).
.Em 176 KB
.It Pa pbsdboot1.exe
boot loader utility.
This program is used to boot the
kernel from within
.Tn "Windows CE"
(version 1.01).
.Em 191 KB
.Pa *.exe
files are
.Tn "Windows CE
If you need them,
the sources for these utilities are in the
.Pa src/arch/hpc/stand/
and the
.Pa src/arch/hpcmips/stand/
.if \n[mac68k] \{\
Kernels suitable for booting from an AppleShare server may be found
in the
.Pa mac68k/binary/kernels
subdirectory of the
\*V distribution tree.
These kernels are generally named something like
.Pa netbsd-GENERIC.gz
and can be booted as-is by the
Booter utility, if desired.
Please note that these kernels are simply gzipped and are not in tar archives.
.Tn Mac OS
based utilities necessary for installing and running
be found in the
.Pa mac68k/installation/misc
subdirectory of the
\*V distribution tree.
The important files in this directory are as follows:
.(tag Installer.sea.hqx
.It Pa Booter.sea.hqx
Booter utility.
This program is used to boot the
kernel from within
.Tn Mac OS .
.Em 141 KB archived
.It Pa Installer.sea.hqx
Installer utility.
This program is used to install the distribution sets onto your
This utility is used only in a Traditional method
installation; it is not used or required for an installation using
.Ic sysinst
.Em 147 KB archived
.It Pa Mkfs.sea.hqx
The Mkfs utility.
This program is used to format your chosen partitions so that they
can be used with
.Nx .
This utility is used only in a Traditional method
installation; it is not used or required for an installation using
.Ic sysinst
.Em 76 KB archived
These files are all BinHexed, self-extracting archives.
If you need them, the sources for these utilities are in the
.Pa src
.if \n[mvme68k] \{\
The following are included in the
.Pa mvme68k/installation
.(tag miniroot/
.It Pa miniroot/
.Ic sysinst
method of installation is the preferred method for installing
.Nx*M .
.Em The Traditional method of installation is deprecated
.Em and will be removed in a future release.
Some other important differences between the two installation methods are:
The Installer and Mkfs utilities are not used if the installation is done
using the
.Ic sysinst
method via booting an Installation Kernel.
Mkfs creates a 4.3BSD "old" format file system.
This is the only file system format understood by the Installer.
.Ic sysinst
process creates "new" file systems which can't be processed by Mkfs
or the Installer.
The Installer (and probably Mkfs) is known to have problems with
BSD file systems that are larger than 1 GB or extend beyond the 1 GB
physical limit.
Keep this in mind if doing a Traditional method
installation with these utilities.
The Booter is known to have problems booting from a NetBSD file system
if the inode of the kernel file is too large.
For large disks it is advisable to have a small root partition and one or
more usr-type partitions for other files.
This ensures the inode of the kernel in the root file system will be small.
The Booter is designed to work with 4.3BSD "old" file systems, but there
are enough similarities between the "old" and "new" file system formats in the
first few hundred blocks that the Booter can usually boot a Kernel from a
4.3BSD new file system.
If you choose to use "new" file system formats, it is advisable to use a
small root partition and one or more usr-type partitions for other files.
This is the default layout used by
.Ic sysinst .
.	(tag miniroot.gz
.	It Pa miniroot.gz
A copy of the miniroot file system.
This file system image is copied into the swap partition of the disk which
you intend to boot
Normally, this step will be performed manually from the ramdisk boot
.	tag)
.(tag miniroot/
.It Pa netboot/
.	(tag sboot
.	It Pa sboot
An MVME147 bootstrap program in Motorola S-Record format.
This is required when you wish to boot an MVME147 over the network since
the ROM has no built-in network support.
Instructions for getting this program into memory are discussed later.
.	tag)
.	(tag netboot
.	It Pa netboot
A standalone 2nd stage bootstrap program loaded over the network via TFTP.
This is responsible for fetching and starting the
kernel from an NFS server.
.	tag)
.(tag tapeimage/
.It Pa tapeimage/
.	(tag stboot
.	It Pa stboot
This file contains a boot sector for Motorola MVME boards.
It must be the first file written to a tape in order to make the tape bootable.
.	tag)
.	(tag bootst
.	It Pa bootst
This file contains a bootstrap program which knows how to load the
ramdisk image from tape.
This must be the second file written to the tape.
.	tag)
.	(tag netbsd-RAMDISK.gz
.	It Pa netbsd-RAMDISK.gz
This is the
ramdisk image.
It contains a
kernel and a built in RAMDISK
with just enough tools to partition a disk, dump the miniroot kernel
to it and make the disk bootable.
This must be the third file written to the tape.
.	tag)
.\} \" \n[mvme68k]
.if \n[sgimips] \{\
The following are included in the
.Pa sgimips/installation
.(tag diskimage/
.It Pa diskimage/
.	(tag diskimage.\*[setsuffix]
.	It Pa diskimage.gz
FFS disk image of the installation filesystem.
.	tag)
.It Pa netboot/
.	(tag diskimage.\*[setsuffix]
.	It Pa diskimage.\*[setsuffix]
Minimal file set necessary for NFS-root installations; to be extracted on the 
NFS server.
.	tag)
The following are included in the
.Pa sgimips/binary/kernel
.(tag netbsd-INSTALL32_IPxx.symbols.gz
.It Pa netbsd-GENERIC32_IPxx.ecoff.gz
version of the 
kernel (gzipped).  This kernel can be used when booting machines
whose PROMs do not understand the ELF binary format.
.It Pa netbsd-INSTALL32_IPxx.gz
A gzipped
kernel, which includes an embedded ramdisk with the installation tools.
.It Pa netbsd-INSTALL32_IPxx.ecoff.gz
An ECOFF version of the
.Li netbsd-INSTALL32_IPxx kernel (also gzipped).
.It Pa netbsd-INSTALL32_IPxx.symbols.gz
Symbols for
.Pa netbsd-INSTALL32_IPxx.gz .
.if \n[sparc] \{\
The distribution cannot be extracted using the
.Tn SunOS
.Ic tar
.if \n[sun2] \{\
There is a collection of Sun2 kernels in the
.Pa \*M/binary/kernel
subdirectory of the
\*V distribution.
The one named
.Pa netbsd-RAMDISK.gz
contain a root file system image and should only be used for the
initial installation.
The others are included for convenience.
(Most people will want to use
.Pa netbsd-GENERIC.gz
.Pa netbsd-FOURMEG.gz
as appropriate.)
Please note that these kernels are simply gzipped and are not tar archives.
.if \n[sun3] \{\
There is a collection of Sun3 and Sun3X kernels in the
.Pa \*M/binary/kernels
subdirectory of the
\*V distribution.
The ones named
.Pa netbsd-ramdisk*.gz
contain a root file system image and should only be used for the
initial installation.
The others are included for convenience.
(Most people will want to use
.Pa netbsd-generic.gz
.Pa netbsd-generic3x.gz
as appropriate.)
Please note that these kernels are simply gzipped and are not tar archives.