.\"	$NetBSD: hardware,v 1.2 2015/05/19 19:30:27 snj Exp $
The minimum configuration requires 16 MB of RAM and 160 MB of disk space.
To install the entire system requires about 250 MB (not including swap).
works with about 32 MB or RAM, but at least 64 MB is advised, especially
on the slower processors.
.Ss2 Supported machines
In general NetBSD/\*M should run on all BeBox models/revisions.
More information can also be found at the
.Lk http://www.NetBSD.org/ports/\*M/
.(bullet -offset indent
Be Inc.
.(bullet -compact
BeBox Dual603-66
BeBox Dual603-133
.Ss2 Supported devices
supports most of the hardware that shipped on these systems through the
machine-independent device drivers.  There are a few notable exceptions, listed
.Ss2 Unsupported devices
.(bullet -offset indent
2nd CPU
Floppy disk controller