+---------------------------------------------------------------------- | First steps with CDE on pkgsrc +---------------------------------------------------------------------- To add the required authenticaion policies to your PAM configuration, import the policy files provided with the package: $ for i in cde dtlogin dtsession; do > cp @PREFIX@/share/examples/pam.d/$i /etc/pam.d > done ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To provide support for CDE font aliases, the required font paths must appended to the standard X server configuration. This can be done by creating a `99-fonts.conf' file with the following content: Section "Files" FontPath "@PREFIX@/share/fonts/100dpi/" FontPath "@PREFIX@/share/fonts/75dpi/" FontPath "@PREFIX@/dt/share/cde/fontaliases" EndSection Place the file inside either: - /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d # native X11 - @PREFIX@/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d # modular X11 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To better access CDE applications, adjust your environment as follows: $ export PATH=$PATH:${PREFIX}/dt/bin $ export MANPATH=$MANPATH:${PREFIX}/dt/man ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To start the Common Desktop Environment, $ env LANG=C startx ${PREFIX}/dt/bin/Xsession Or use the provided `@PREFIX@/bin/startcde' script. Your user should be part of the '@REAL_ROOT_GROUP@' group to allow CDE to create the required directories upon startup. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To start the Dt Login Manager, $ cp @PREFIX@/share/examples/rc.d/dtlogin /etc/rc.d $ service dtlogin onestart To enable the dtlogin service at startup, $ echo dtlogin=YES >> /etc/rc.conf ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTE: For better scrolling, consider adding this to your ~/.Xresources file *saveLines: 32000 *scrollBar: True