#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Call with pytest. Requires XKB_CONFIG_ROOT to be set import os import pytest from pathlib import Path import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET def _xkb_config_root(): path = os.getenv('XKB_CONFIG_ROOT') assert path is not None, 'Environment variable XKB_CONFIG_ROOT must be set' print(f'Using XKB_CONFIG_ROOT={path}') xkbpath = Path(path) assert (xkbpath / 'rules').exists(), f'{path} is not an XKB installation' return xkbpath @pytest.fixture def xkb_config_root(): return _xkb_config_root() def iterate_layouts_variants(rules_xml): ''' Return an iterator of type (layout, variant) for each element in the XML file. ''' tree = ET.parse(rules_xml) root = tree.getroot() for layout in root.iter('layout'): yield layout, None for variant in layout.iter('variant'): yield layout, variant def iterate_config_items(rules_xml): ''' Return an iterator of configItem elements ''' tree = ET.parse(rules_xml) root = tree.getroot() return root.iter('configItem') def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc): # for any test_foo function with an argument named rules_xml, # make it the list of XKB_CONFIG_ROOT/rules/*.xml files. if 'rules_xml' in metafunc.fixturenames: rules_xml = list(_xkb_config_root().glob('rules/*.xml')) assert rules_xml metafunc.parametrize('rules_xml', rules_xml) # for any test_foo function with an argument named layout, # make it a Layout wrapper class for all layout(variant) combinations elif 'layout' in metafunc.fixturenames: rules_xml = list(_xkb_config_root().glob('rules/*.xml')) assert rules_xml layouts = [] for f in rules_xml: for l, v in iterate_layouts_variants(f): layouts.append(Layout(f, l, v)) metafunc.parametrize('layout', layouts) elif 'config_item' in metafunc.fixturenames: rules_xml = list(_xkb_config_root().glob('rules/*.xml')) assert rules_xml config_items = [] for f in rules_xml: for item in iterate_config_items(f): item = ConfigItem.from_elem(item) item.rulesfile = f config_items.append(item) metafunc.parametrize('config_item', config_items) class Layout: ''' Wrapper class for layout/variants - both ConfigItems are available but the properties automatically pick the variant (if it exists) or the layout otherwise. ''' def __init__(self, rulesfile, layout, variant=None): self.rulesfile = rulesfile self.layout = ConfigItem.from_elem(layout) self.variant = ConfigItem.from_elem(variant) if variant else None if variant: self.name = f"{self.layout.name}({self.variant.name})" else: self.name = f"{self.layout.name}" @property def iso3166(self): if self.variant and self.variant.iso3166 is not None: return self.variant.iso3166 or [] # inherit from parent return self.layout.iso3166 or [] @property def iso639(self): if self.variant and self.variant.iso639 is not None: return self.variant.iso639 or [] # inherit from parent return self.layout.iso639 or [] @property def popularity(self): return self.variant.popularity if self.variant else self.layout.popularity @property def shortDescription(self): if self.variant and self.variant.shortDescription: return self.variant.shortDescription return self.layout.shortDescription def prettyxml(element): return ET.tostring(element).decode('utf-8') class ConfigItem: def __init__(self, name, shortDescription=None, description=None): self.name = name self.shortDescription = shortDescription self.description = description self.iso639 = None self.iso3166 = None self.popularity = None @classmethod def _fetch_subelement(cls, parent, name): sub_element = parent.findall(name) if sub_element is not None and len(sub_element) == 1: return sub_element[0] else: return None @classmethod def _fetch_subelement_text(cls, parent, name): sub_element = parent.findall(name) return [e.text for e in sub_element] @classmethod def _fetch_text(cls, parent, name): sub_element = cls._fetch_subelement(parent, name) if sub_element is None: return None return sub_element.text @classmethod def from_elem(cls, elem): try: ci_element = elem if elem.tag == "configItem" else cls._fetch_subelement(elem, 'configItem') name = cls._fetch_text(ci_element, 'name') assert name is not None # shortDescription and description are optional sdesc = cls._fetch_text(ci_element, 'shortDescription') desc = cls._fetch_text(ci_element, 'description') ci = ConfigItem(name, sdesc, desc) ci.popularity = ci_element.attrib.get('popularity') langlist = cls._fetch_subelement(ci_element, 'languageList') if langlist: ci.iso639 = cls._fetch_subelement_text(langlist, 'iso639Id') countrylist = cls._fetch_subelement(ci_element, 'countryList') if countrylist: ci.iso3166 = cls._fetch_subelement_text(countrylist, 'iso3166Id') return ci except AssertionError as e: endl = "\n" # f{} cannot contain backslashes e.args = (f'\nFor element {prettyxml(elem)}\n{endl.join(e.args)}',) raise def test_duplicate_layouts(rules_xml): tree = ET.parse(rules_xml) root = tree.getroot() layouts = {} for layout in root.iter('layout'): ci = ConfigItem.from_elem(layout) assert ci.name not in layouts, f'Duplicate layout {ci.name}' layouts[ci.name] = True variants = {} for variant in layout.iter('variant'): vci = ConfigItem.from_elem(variant) assert vci.name not in variants, \ f'{rules_xml}: duplicate variant {ci.name}({vci.name}):\n{prettyxml(variant)}' variants[vci.name] = True def test_duplicate_models(rules_xml): tree = ET.parse(rules_xml) root = tree.getroot() models = {} for model in root.iter('model'): ci = ConfigItem.from_elem(model) assert ci.name not in models, f'Duplicate model {ci.name}' models[ci.name] = True def test_exotic(config_item): """All items in extras should be marked exotic""" if config_item.rulesfile.stem.endswith('extras'): assert config_item.popularity == "exotic", f"{config_item.rulesfile}: item {config_item.name} does not have popularity exotic" else: assert config_item.popularity != "exotic", f"{config_item.rulesfile}: item {config_item.name} has popularity exotic" def test_short_description(layout): assert layout.shortDescription, f'{layout.rulesfile}: layout {layout.name} missing shortDescription' def test_iso3166(layout): """Typically layouts should specify at least one country code""" pycountry = pytest.importorskip('pycountry') country_codes = [c.alpha_2 for c in pycountry.countries] expected_without_country = [ "apl", "bqn", # programming "brai", # Braille not specific to any country "custom", "epo", # Esperanto not native to any country "trans", # international ] for code in layout.iso3166: assert code in country_codes, \ f'{layout.rulesfile}: unknown country code "{code}" in {layout.name}' assert layout.iso3166 or layout.layout.name in expected_without_country, f"{layout.rulesfile}: layout {layout.name} has no countries associated" def test_iso639(layout): """Typically layouts should should specify at least one language code""" pycountry = pytest.importorskip('pycountry') # A list of languages not in pycountry, so we need to special-case them special_langs = [ 'ber', # Berber languages (collective), https://iso639-3.sil.org/code/ber 'btb', # Beti (Cameroon), https://iso639-3.sil.org/code/btb 'fox', # Formosan languages (collective), https://iso639-3.sil.org/code/fox 'phi', # Philippine languages (collective), https://iso639-3.sil.org/code/phi 'ovd', # Elfdalian, https://iso639-3.sil.org/code/ovd ] language_codes = [c.alpha_3 for c in pycountry.languages] + special_langs expected_without_language = ["brai", "custom", "trans"] for code in layout.iso639: assert code in language_codes, \ f'{layout.rulesfile}: unknown language code "{code}" in {layout.name}' assert layout.iso639 or layout.layout.name in expected_without_language, f"{layout.rulesfile}: layout {layout.name} has no languages associated"