#!/usr/bin/env python3 import argparse import re import sys from pathlib import Path class Layout(object): def __init__(self, layout, variant=None): self.layout = layout self.variant = variant if '(' in layout: assert variant is None # parse a layout(variant) string match = re.match(r'([^(]+)\(([^)]+)\)', layout) self.layout = match.groups()[0] self.variant = match.groups()[1] def __str__(self): if self.variant: return '{}({})'.format(self.layout, self.variant) else: return '{}'.format(self.layout) def read_file(path): '''Returns a list of two-layout tuples [(layout1, layout2), ...]''' # This parses both input files, one with two elements, one with four elements, # all separated by tabs pattern = re.compile(r'([^\t]+)\s+([^\t]+)\s*([^\t]*)\s*([^\t]*)') layouts = [] for line in open(path): match = re.match(pattern, line.strip()) groups = [g for g in match.groups() if g] # drop empty groups if len(groups) == 2: l1 = Layout(groups[0]) l2 = Layout(groups[1]) else: l1 = Layout(groups[0], groups[1]) l2 = Layout(groups[2], groups[3]) layouts.append((l1, l2)) return layouts # ml_s def write_fixed_layout(dest, mappings, write_header): if write_header: dest.write('! model layout = symbols\n') for l1, l2 in mappings: dest.write(' * {} = pc+{}\n'.format(l1, l2)) # mln_s def write_layout_n(dest, mappings, number, write_header): if write_header: dest.write('! model layout[{}] = symbols\n'.format(number)) # symbols is one of # +layout(variant):2 ... where the map-to-layout has a proper variant # +layout%(v[2]):2 ... where the map-to-layout does not have a variant # and where the number is 1, we have a base and drop the suffix, i.e. # the above becomes # pc+layout(variant) # pc+layout%(v[1]) base = 'pc' if number == 1 else '' suffix = '' if number == 1 else ':{}'.format(number) for l1, l2 in mappings: second_layout = str(l2) if l2.variant else '{}%(v[{}])'.format(l2.layout, number) dest.write(' * {} = {}+{}{}\n'.format(l1, base, second_layout, suffix)) # mlv_s def write_fixed_layout_variant(dest, mappings, write_header): if write_header: dest.write('! model layout variant = symbols\n') for l1, l2 in mappings: dest.write(' * {} {} = pc+{}\n'.format(l1.layout, l1.variant, l2)) # mlnvn_s def write_layout_n_variant_n(dest, mappings, number, write_header): if write_header: dest.write('! model layout[{}] variant[{}] = symbols\n'.format(number, number)) # symbols is # +layout(variant):2 # and where the number is 1, we have a base and drop the suffix, i.e. # the above becomes # pc+layout(variant) # This part is only executed for the variantMappings.lst base = 'pc' if number == 1 else '' suffix = '' if number == 1 else ':{}'.format(number) for l1, l2 in mappings: second_layout = str(l2) if l2.variant else '{}%(v[{}])'.format(l2.layout, number) dest.write(' * {} {} = {}+{}{}\n'.format(l1.layout, l1.variant, base, second_layout, suffix)) def map_variant(dest, files, want='mls', number=None): if number == 0: number = None for idx, f in enumerate(files): write_header = idx == 0 mappings = read_file(f) if want == 'mls': if number is None: write_fixed_layout(dest, mappings, write_header) else: write_layout_n(dest, mappings, number, write_header) elif want == 'mlvs': if number is None: write_fixed_layout_variant(dest, mappings, write_header) else: write_layout_n_variant_n(dest, mappings, number, write_header) else: raise NotImplementedError() if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('variant mapping script') parser.add_argument('--want', type=str, choices=['mls', 'mlvs']) parser.add_argument('--number', type=int, default=None) parser.add_argument('dest', type=str) parser.add_argument('files', nargs='+', type=str) ns = parser.parse_args() dest = None if ns.dest == '-': dest = sys.stdout with dest or open(ns.dest, 'w') as fd: map_variant(fd, ns.files, ns.want, ns.number)